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MasterChef The Professionals Final 2010 (TV Review)

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (18)
Claire, David, John

FACT – I watched about 4 episodes of MasterChef the Professionals this year (including the one with "39 Year Old Lee" and the one where cocky Kevin threw a wobbly).

FACT – That means I’m probably not qualified to review it.

FACT – That’s not going to stop me.

Our three finalists are Claire Lara, a tutor at Liverpool Community College; John Calton, chef at the Duke of Wellington pub, in Newton, Northumberland and Dave Coulson, chef at the Eden Castle Inn in Hartlepool. They’re all Northern. One of them will win.

Claire Lara of Liverpool Community College who is in the finals of Masterchef the Professionals

Backstory time! Some kind of MOR dross (Keane?) plays as we find ourselves in Liverpool to discover that Clare grew up on a beach with a postman who fed her on oven chips. Suddenly Air plays, filling me with intense deja vu, but it all makes sense, as next she did a YTS which sent her to Paris for five years (long freaking youth training scheme), and fell for a French chef called Marc who thought her an oddball, but married her anyway. She now teaches kids in Liverpool not to steal cars.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (03)

Bob Dylan heralds shots of shakey Dave walking over a red bridge. I spent ages staring at David yesterday when they made cakes for macaron king Pierre Herme, wondering who he reminded me of, and it’s finally hit me – Dehydrator Eddie, Chandler’s insane room-mate in Friends.

Dave's the first person in his family not to be a coal-miner (What? Even your mum? And your granny?). As a youth, he went to football academy, but he left that and needed something to do, so he grew some facial hair. For some reason, he then tells us he’s had one girlfriend during the whole time he's been a chef. His mum says he’s fat.

Smashing Pumpkins plays for John, a cross between Craig Charles and Mark Lamarr – he chucked in being an electrical engineer and then became a kitchen porter, before working his way up to chef. He says he wants to give 110% - anyone who says that should be automatically disqualified.

These people are all younger than me.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (04)

Anyway, their first challenge tonight is to cook for a host of chefs who between them hold over 40 Michelin stars, eg Pierre Koffman, Claire Smyth, Alain Roux, Joscelyn Herland.

They're making a 3 course menu designed by Michel Roux Junior (creepy uncle one - Gregg Wallace being creepy uncle two) and the venue is Pearl at the Chancery Court Hotel in Holborn (where the frig is Jun Tanaka?)

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (05)

David is responsible for the starter of salmon sashimi, marinated in citrus zest, topped with a crispy salmon skin rectangle, accompanied with black sesame puree and a deep-fried tiger prawn wrapped in shoe-string *cough* kadaifa pastry, served with pickled radish and drizzled with oil. Simples.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (06)

Claire is making a Paul Bocuse dish of pan-fried red mullet coated with finely sliced potato "scales", on a bed of white and green asparagus with a liver and red wine sauce. Fish and liver. Yummy. She has to scale and fillet 30 mullets, trim 180 asparagus and make 900 potato scales. Simples.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (07)

John is on dessert duty, with an assiette of framboise comprising white chocolate parfait, raspberry liqueur jelly, raspberry sorbet topped with tuille, raspberry souffle and shortbreads with raspberry coulis. Michel eyeballs John and says “You can’t afford to f*ck up". Simples.

David's a bit wary "I cook leeks, man". He then tastes some dashi and opines "That is good, like. It’s weird - dunno what it tastes like, but it tastes nice, like".

I’m glad that I’m the writer and he’s the chef.

He then preps the salmon, but forgets to keep the skin and to remove the bloodline – Michel yells "Trim your loins!" and David says, “This is really, really hard, like. Like harder than any restaurant. It’s mental, like".

I’m glad that I’m the writer and he’s the chef.

As voiceover lady tries to make it sound like marinading a fish for TWO. AND. A. HALF. HOURS. is the biggest deal in the world, David admits "I don’t really understand these ingredients. I’ve never heard of the Japanese spices. If I screw this, we’re all screwed".

No, mate - you’re screwed.

Meanwhile, Claire’s making potato scales, and Michel says she’s got chef’s brain, which is possibly something like housemaid’s knee.

In the pastry section, John has somehow made the raspberry jelly look like it's covered in washing up liquid, and Michel says in the understatement of the year “That’s not particularly nice”.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (08)
Sh!t tuiles

To add insult to injury, John then makes the sh!ttest raspberry tuiles known to man, and fails to understand that two shortbreads per person when there are 30 covers means 60 shortbreads and not 31.

Where is Gregg? Where is Jun Tanaka?

Suddenly Claire has a bit of a turn and needs to go for some air, as only 20 mullet have been prepped. Gregg (ah, there he is) reels her back in by telling her to go to her happy place and attempts to show emotion by pawing clumsily at her back.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (11)

The music from the end of Trading Places (okay, it's Mozart or something) plays as the superstar chef diners begin to arrive.

There's Brett Graham (The Ledbury), Olivier Limousin (L’Atelier Joel Robuchon), Helene Darroze (The Connaught), Michael Caines (Gidleigh Park - just voted top of The Sunday Times Food List), John Campbell (Coworth Park), Atul Kochhar (Benares), Andrew Fairlie, Alexis Gauthier, Philip Howard (the Square), and Martin Burge (Watley Manor).

As well as chefs, there are restaurateurs David Moore (Pied a Terre and L’Autre Pied - the put-upon one from The Restaurant) and Will Smith (no, not that one, but from Arbutus and Wild Honey).

Lastly there's Derek Brown and Chris Miller, ex Michelin Inspectors.

No pressure.

Anyway, I don’t care about any of them because Monica is there. Monica!

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (09)
I would trust this woman with my life

Back in the kitchen, and voiceover lady intones "DAVID has to SCRAPE the marinade off the salmon". Never has cuisine sounded so repugnant.

"I’m gonna put me all into it, like" says David earnestly, and I decide I quite like him, even if he does look like he'd mug you for a Yorkie Bar.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (30)
Give me your Yorkie. In return, I may dehydrate something for you.

Michel says to him “You're leaving yourself very little time to dress up neatly" which seems a bit personal (though he does need a good iron).

Back in the restaurant and it's my favourite hobbit! *happy thoughts*

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (10)
MC Professionals 2010

MC Professionals 2009

David's salmon starter goes out - what's the verdict? Alexis Gauthier says it's a bit shabby, but Pierre Koffmann give the presentation 10/10 (FIGHT!), and Atul Kochhar give it a Thums Up (taste the thunder).

Clare Smyth says to Dave “I don’t think you could have done a better job” which seems a bit harsh. For Dave, it’s been like boxing with Pele, or playing football with Muhammed Ali. Or something.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (15)

Claire's mullet is finally ready, and the chefs tuck in - Pierre Koffmann says the green asparagus is undercooked, and there's not enough sauce, but Tom Kitchin and Claire Smyth say she's nailed it.

Jean Christopher Ansany-Alex from L’Auberge de l’Ile says "it’s perfectable - is that a word?" and it's not, but I don't mind, as I'm bathing in his treacly Frenchy-French accent.

As for Claire herself – she’s over the moon, and weirdly they seem to be playing the love theme from Indiana Jones.

Meanwhile, John has been in the pastry kitchen, so has to bring all the puds back to the main kitchen in a service lift. I’m feeling quite teary with empathy at this moment, as I remember staggering with stockpots down the stairs at the Wild Garlic (no, I'm not f*cking going on MasterChef for real).

He attempts to blowtorch off the scum from the jelly, and then Michel cusses him for having puds that slide around and tells him to fix them with jam.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (12)

"Top shelf" says John, and all I can think of is nudie mags, but alas he's referring to the souffles.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (13)

Out go the assiettes.

“My tuile is a bit soft, guys” says Michael Caines, and no-one knows where to look, which is a bit unsympathetic, as it's a common problem for men his age.

Comments come in - "No howlers", "Very, very good attempt", "A lot to deliver", "Glad it wasn’t us".

“It’s been a good day” says John. The sad music (and comments) think otherwise.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (14)
Don't ask what David is doing with his hands

John, David and Claire are brought in to see the chefs one last time. Alexis Gauthier says lovely things with that lovely smile he has.

Then Monica (Monica!) tells them she’s pleased she put them through the first round (thus acknowledging the fact that it has sod all to do with Wallace).

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (16)
They seem happy

Talking of Wallace, where’s he been? Oh, there he is!

Spoonface Gregg
Pumpkin Gregg

Where was Jun Tanaka?

A shot of Big Ben! So this means we’re back in London, having been all the way over at Pearl which is in … London.

Michel winks at them coquettishly as he says "This is it, guys. Treat us today. Spoil us", and the three of them start thinking of ways to incorporate Ferrero Rocher into their dishes.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (19)

2 ½ hours, 3 dishes, 1 champion.

John again says he needs to put in 110 % (seriously man - if it was up to me, the first time you said it, you'd be out).

I fail to pay attention to any of the cooking, though I do notice that Gregg has upgraded from merely wanting to stick his face in puddings to wanting to dip his head in them.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (20)

The Final Frontier


John's dishes are:

  • Poached lobster with tempura lobster claw served with a salad of mango, tomato, basil and avocado;
  • Panfried turbot with langoustines, potato fondant, truffle celeriac puree, white asparagus;
  • Dark chocolate mousse, topped chocolate nougatine on a green tea financier, and milk ice cream.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (22)

Michel says “Visually great” and John says “Let’s hope it tastes nice”, but this sounds less of a joke and more of a genuine concern.

For John's starter, Michel says the “the lobster has a chewy edge which is nice [really?], but the salad is a little bland” .
Gregg says he likes the “metallic tang of basil” and I wonder if he's pregnant, as apparently your tastebuds play tricks on you when you're up the duff.

For John's main, Gregg says "Balance those up and I’ll give him a big kiss", and I cheer, as it's just not MasterChef without untoward and slightly pervy comments from Puddingface.

For Michel "the presentation is bang on the ticket; it's heavenly; the turbot is slightly over, but I'll forgive you because it's glorious" .
Gregg says "Corrrrr ... it's really lovely" .

For John's pudding, Michel says "very indulgent and expensive ingredients" (not fancy-pants gold leaf though, was it?).

John says "I want to be as good as this guy", gesturing at Michel, who replies “I’m not that good”, and he looks so deadly serious that I wonder if an owl hooted and a clock chimed in the studio at that point.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (23)

But John's dessert is "great, chocolatey, rich yet light - though one little let-down – ice cream is grainy" says Michel. For me, the let-down is that it looks like a doo-doo sandwich.

Gregg says "I think that’s absolutely lovely - despite the graininess, with chocolate of that quality I’ll sit happily with a spoon in my hand all day" - but then how will the pud get in your mouth, Gregg? HOW?


Claire's dishes are:

  • Crispy skinned seatrout with balled apples and apple puree, baby leek stems in caper and cider beurre blanc
  • Roasted boneless pigeon on mashed potato, peas and pancetta with quince jelly and a red wine sauce
  • Raspberry and white chocolate millefeuille served with lemon thyme filo discs dusted with raspberry powder and raspberries

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (24)

Claire's starter "works perfectly" for Michel, but Gregg is slightly less enamoured as the apple "though not unpleasant, is a big wash of sweet juice which takes away from the sweetness, but that wouldn’t stop me really enjoying it".

I'm not sure anything would, Gregg.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (25)

As for Claire's main, it's making Michel salivate with its "lovely crisp skin, rich, deep, quite simply delicious" .

Gregg says "Oh my word, that’s brilliant – the sort of dish the waiter tries to take away and you’re still picking with your fingers". Shudder.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (26)

Claire's pudding for Michel is "Neat, precise and classy. Damn good. I would definitely, definitely wipe the plate clean".

Gregg just says "Lovely, lovely, lovely", and I'm relieved that he's spared me another gruesome mental image.


David says "I’ve used my imagination on this. It’s pretty cool, like" in an accent so lazily Scouse Ringo Starr that all I can think of is Thomas the Tank Engine.

He then says he wants to give the judges something to really think about, which sounds more like a threat than a promise.

His dishes are:

  • Mackerel pate with smoked mackerel and tartare with raw mackerel, pickled cucumber;
  • Deconstructed chicken and mushroom pie on a roasted mushroom topped with puff pastry served with a sweet sticky chicken wing, poached chicken breast, crispy skin, mashed potato;
  • Hot chocolate mousse on top of rice crispy cake, with a cherry sorbet and cherries soaked in kirsch.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (27)

Re David's starter, Michel says it's "very clever, very good seasoning. Works well, very well in fact".
Gregg says it "tastes good - leaves me wanting more, but maybe the main is the 'more' I’m after".

I'm idly wondering where I've had mackerel tartare before, and realise it's the Ship pub in Wandsworth, where it was bloody good.

David's pie is next - Michel says "Wow, I’ve never seen that before. This guy’s got imagination. It’s fun. I love it when that happens. It’s a clever dish. And I want a plateful of those wings".
Gregg says "Cor, I think that pie is lovely - the meaty strong morels match the chicken".

I'm idly wondering where I've had deconstructed chicken and mushroom pie before, and realise it's ... the Ship pub in Wandsworth, where it was bloody good.

And now I'm a bit scared.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (29)
David's deconstructed pie

The Ship's deconstructed pie

Lastly, it's David's pudding - Michel says it "has to be very, very tasty to make up for the poor visual aspect". But "the mousse is rich, intense as it should be. You removed the stones, but replaced the stalks which is craftmanship. And the chocolate crispies at the bottom are chocolate crispies". This last comment seems least helpful. Gregg says something. I've lost interest.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (28)

Our three heroes are then sent away, whilst Michel and Gregg begin to deliberate.

"John picked the right day to get it together, he's grown and taken everything on board" .

"Claire’s food was stunning, delicate, elegant, but with depth of taste – she's a class act".

"David’s forte is delivering great taste in abundance" .

"All three have immense potential - I love all three of them so much - where do you draw the line?" (I would say inappropriate touching is where you draw the line, Michel).

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (31)

John, David and Claire are brought back into the room for one last time and "With or Without You" plays for no apparent reason other than to give Bono some royalties. Where is Take That? I demand some Take That.

Then after the longest pause imagineable ...

Michel announces Claire as the winner, and I'm quietly smug that I've backed the winning horse since 2005.

Although never have I cared so little about a MasterChef final. Apart from Celebrity MasterChef.

But then I've never bothered watching that.

MasterChef Professionals 2010 (32)
Claire Lara, MasterChef The Professionals 2010 Winner

ps We found Jun, kind of

All screencaps copyright BBC / SHINE


Su-Lin said…
We thought David looked like Fernando Alonso!
emmizzykay said…
Brilliant write up (sitting here giggling), will go and watch it on iPlayer later. But man alive I'd forgotten how good that chicken pie was at the Ship. Hungry now!!
PDH said…
I want to do a remix of all the awful sex noises Puddingface makes when he tries stuff frankly disturbing and show him so he realises how scary he actually is. My favourite part of the whole series though is when talking skull makes that deflating balloon noise with his face and waves it around a lot. Excellent stuff MiMi!!!
Sam said…
Nice writeup. I followed it from the start and It was quite a good series.

By the way David isn't scouse, he's from the north east.
meemalee said…
@Su-Lin - I know not this man

@emmizzykay - Definitely have to come to the Ship with you again!

@Pavel - I love Michel Roux Junior. LOVE.

@samhill - Amended - thanks. Though he still sounds like Ringo Starr to me :)
Anonymous said…
Cassetteboy needs to get on this.

MiMi, awesome as ever.

That my dear was utterly brilliant. Thank you.
WalshyMK said…

Ha ha ha ha ah ahahahahahahhahahahahhahha - this is just a fantastic post - in balls of laughter. Love you Mimi!!!!!
meemalee said…
@roastpotato - Thank you, young Gary :)

@Rachel at Catalan Cooking - Well, you refused to watch it, so what else could I do?

@WalshyMK - I'm particularly proud of that one.

@Fernandez & Leluu - Awww, thank you!
Liv said…
LOVE your write up! So true about David - it's been bugging me for ages who he reminded me of!

And doesn't Monica scrub up so nicely!
Ailbhe said…
So funny! I missed the finals last night (only been watching some of the episodes) and feel like I've just seen it. Brilliant : )
Gail said…
That'll teach me for trying to sneakily read hysterical blog posts while on conference calls - cue snort of laughter at 'doo doo sandwich' which had to be turned into a coughing fit...
tori said…
You just had me laughing out loud. We were making some pretty similar comments from our couch, helped along by a bottle of red. But you were much funnier.
See what a bit of burgundy lipstick does for your personality, Monica!

Nice, clever write up Meemalee.

I enjoyed reading that.
meemalee said…
@Liv - "Just some basic dehydrating of a few fruits and vegetables. MAN ALIVE this thing's fantastic!"

@Alibhe - But now I've spoilt it for you!

@Gail - Whoops :)

@tori - This is just a write-up of my sofa comments with added pictures :)

@Gill the Painter - Thanks Gill!
Andrea said…
Brilliant review! I laughed a dozen times!
The Grubworm said…
Epic posting MiMi - and I'd have been happy if you'd written nothing but this: "Atul Kochhar give it a Thums Up (taste the thunder)" which made me spit out my tea.

And because of this sort of post I still don;t feel the loss of never having watched MasterChef at all. Not once. Nada.
Brilliant take on an abysmal series of MC! Those starred chefs at Pearl must have been pissed they took time off to eat that meal. Perhaps they fed them properly after the cameras stop rolling...
meemalee said…
@Andrea - Thank you x

@The Grubworm - On certain Tuesdays, if you say "Taste the Thunder" at Dishoom, they'll give you a free Thums Up cola. TRUFAX.

@gourmetraveller - Aw, I thought it all looked quite tasty. Apart from the pudding.
Dave said…
Excellent write up!

Missed it last night, and was going to watch it on iPlayer - but I'm not sure I can stomach seeing the poo-wich from multiple camera angles. Anyway, I think it would be a let down after reading this :-).
Laissez Fare said…
Thanks for the post as I wasn't able to watch the series from the US - though doesn't seem like I missed much (?)! ;-)

Some real LOL lines - excellent.

Brilliant, just brilliant. Inappropriate touching is always where you draw the line.
meemalee said…
@Dave - Oh no, it's definitely worth seeing the Poo-wich in extreme close-up.

@Laissez Fare - Thanks LF!

@Gin and Crumpets - He needed telling.
CorkGourmetGuy said…
There is something very unsettling about watching Greg Wallace eating a chocolate dessert, you get the very icky feeling as he eats it that you've seen his sex face!

AKA CorkGourmetGuy (on Twitter)
CorkGourmetGuy said…
As for Michel Roux Jr how can he work with so much butter and still be so svelte, he is the culinary equivalent of Dorian Grey, some where in an attic in West London there is a portrait of an enormously fat french bloke with a patchy beard!
Really_Hungry said…
Superb review and superb pumpkin. Good work.
Lynne said…
a) I am also glad you are a writer...though no problem if you want to be a chef as well, just not instead of.

b) Poo-wich. Just what I was thinking.

c) Crispies. What was the man thinking of???

d) Where was Alice :(
meemalee said…
@Dave - I don't want to hear about Gregg's s*x face thank you. But you're right about the Rouxster!

@Really_Hungry - Why thank you!

@Lynne -

a) Yeah, I could do both :)


c) I like 'em

d) Who is Alice?
Mat Follas said…
Brilliant as always ... you had me howling with laughter as I read this !
meemalee said…
@Mat Follas -

Does it bring back memories?

You flatterer you xxx

You still owe me dinner though :p
Suz said…
EPIC BLOGGING. As I've said in the past, the only thing better than Masterchef is a Meemalee blog about Masterchef.

I was very emotionally invested this year. I nearly cried at the sight of Monica beaming proudly at them. She's wonderful.

I also love that first cap of Michel, though he does look a bit like he's having a tricky bowel movement.

I'm so glad Claire won! I heard Michel offered her a job. I hope the contract says no touching. (Though I'm jealous you managed to snaffle a hug off him.)

I miss Monica and Michel already. Looooser. LOSER.
Unknown said…
Thanks for this! Forget law, just write.

Even though you didn't see the whole series I'm glad you witnessed Kevin losing it over his puddings. Highlight of the whole thing for me.

"39 year old Lee" made me snort with laughter. How the hell is he the same age as me? That is simply unacceptable.

And don't Monica scrub up well? Sigh.
Bravo! And Bravo again!

Great write up MiMi!

I have to get my butt onto the no 28 and go to the Ship.
Lynne said…
Alice - you may have missed that episode. She was brilliant, only 21 I think, but full of zest and spirit. She lost to John in the quarters. She was much much better, why he went through was a total mystery...

Crispies, yes I like them too.. but in a MC final? and in that sludge pot? I don't think so....

( ps. my word verification is fackmati... this is SO you - you sure you didn't put it in there specially? )
meemalee said…
@Suzler - The contract says "No inappropriate touching". I'm sure I told you that when I met him, I was introduced to him as the MasterChef blogger and he looked at me like I was simple. Anyway, I want to see your version of events please!

@mollynminah - Monica is love. And thank you :)

@Helen @ Fuss Free Flavours - Yep, The Ship is one of the rockingest pubs ever.

@Lynne - I'll give you fackmati.
The Ample Cook said…
What a brilliant write up.

I think your blog post was better than the actual progamme.
Ann said…
Waited to iplayer before I read this, and glad I did - thanks for taking the time (still smiling)
meemalee said…
@The Ample Cook - I could not wish for a higher accolade.

@Ann - You're welcome!
Becci said…
Now that I've watched the final I can finally read your summary, which (as I knew it would be) is brilliantly funny!

However, David was a lovely chap. His cute coy face whenever he got a compliment made my heart swell and his shaky nervousness was very endearing. I must concede that he was very sweaty all the time, which makes me feel a bit queasy when someone is making food.

Masterchef professionals is my fave - mostly because of creepy uncle 1. He's pretty lovely.

I agree about poo-wich too. What was that about.

Did you see the episode before? They went to Noma and it was wonderful (the chef patron there is a total legend).

That's all.
Jimmy said…

If you Enjoyed the Masterchef final the other night then check this edit out, its actually HILARIOUS! Got to love that chicken pie!
This is the first time we've watched Masterchef.I enjoyed your review (brilliant)more than the programme which had us shouting along at every episode.
You've voiced everything we thought including the poo dessert which Chef quipped "well that looks like a pile of turd".
They were in the kitchen ALL DAY.Peeling and de veining a bag of prawns(60)is only a 1 hour job.
With regard to David's hands remember the old kitchen adage-'Chef with hands in pockets feels cocky all day'.

Definitely the best girl won,I was hoping her and David might get together and open their own restaurant.

BTW Davids accent is pure Durham,nothing like Scoose or have I missed the point?

PS Theres a review on my blog of The Duke of Wellington at Stocksfield,done before I knew John worked there.
meemalee said…
@Becci - John was quite sweaty too. Yeah, I think we have established that everyone loves Michel and Monica. Did see excellent Noma episode - that's how I know they met the Curious Orange.

@Jimmy - Thanks for the heads up :)

@Northern Snippet - I cleaned and deveined about 30 king prawns for my practice Burmese pop-up and took half an hour so you're right :)

Oh and clearly I cannot distinguish Northern accents :-S

Cool, shall read your review.
Aahh, classic Meemalee! Glad you picked up on the head dipping too.
meemalee said…
@The Fastest Indian - The head dipping was best hyperbole yet. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe he would, when no-one's looking.
chumbles said…
So very very funny; had me laughing out loud; tears of laughter in fact. As for Gregg dipping his head in the pudding, I had this little vision of a mini-Gregg being dipped into a chocolate pot and then having the head bitten off. There is an endearingly short distance between thought and mouth with that man, that no sense of irony will ever interrupt! Thank you.
meemalee said…
@chumbles - I'm setting up my own range of products - Gregg Dippyhead will be the first
Food Urchin said…
MiMi you put 110% into this post, very good, very very good.

Now get back in the cupboard under the stairs.
meemalee said…
@Food Urchin - GAAAAAH! Go away and keep trying to grow your ginger moustache
chumbles said…
Speaking of Monica G (Miss Whiplash!), there was a little cameo of an exchange between her and Michel earlier in the series
MRJ "Come on Monica, it's a happy occasion, smile!"
MG *growls* "I am smiling..."
MRJnr *looks nervous*
I get the impression that no-one messes with Monica!
Lisa Cookwitch said…
Oh my goodness. I was eating dinner when I read this - big mistake! I nearly choked on my pasta.
Thank you so much. Awesome review! (and glad it wasn't just me who said "Hmm, doodoo."
Lisa Cookwitch said…
Ooh I just saw this. Watching it after reading your review was just brilliant - thought I'd pass it on.
a new fan said…
you so funny! made me laugh out loud!