There's been a lot of hoo-ha in the blog world recently about the Fairy Hobmother. This benevolent being has been flitting about granting wishes and no-one really knows why.
Behind it all is a company called Appliances Online which as the name suggests sells all manner of electrical goods for your home. Obviously, they're wanting to spread their name and gain a good reputation, but they've been sending lucky people items that they don't even stock themselves.
What gives, Appliances Online? WHY ARE YOU SO NICE?
Anyway, I made a wish a while back on the very excellent blog A Rather Unusual Chinaman for some accessories to pimp my Kitchenaid trophy Bertie Branning (named after Max Branning of Eastenders fame) and lo and behold, the Fairy Hobmother sent me:
- a rather secksy glass bowl which I'd been lusting after since I'd seen Lorraine Pascale use one on Baking Made Easy.
- a meat grinder which came in a box with the words "Fleisch Wolf" on it. FLEISCH WOLF. Yes, the German word for a meat grinder is FLESH WOLF. AMAZING.
Anyway, I've been asked to spread the love, so ANYONE who leaves a comment on this post and makes a wish specifying what they would like could be visited by the Fairy Hobmother too!
(Make sure you're contactable either by email or Twittername)
Roll with it, guys - I'm pretty sure you won't get a horse's head in your bed.
Unless you ask for one.
I'm still curious as to why Appliances Online would be so kind...for you I can understand as you do lovely blogs - for me I'm not quite that lucky ;o)
Best as always Carol x
Well, Fairy Hobmother, I could really use a visit. I jacked in my job last September to return to studying and establish myself as a freelancer. Whilst I'm a lot happier, I am also a lot poorer and I still don't have a microwave (useful) or an ice-cream machine (a want, not a need) for my kitchen. Pretty please?
Poor Chocablog kitchen wants to create amazing chocolatey dishes, but instead it's limited to serving squares of Dairy Milk in over-used Gu ramekins. Poor, sad Chocablog kitchen. All it wants is to be loved.
And my oven is broken but I don't know if that's a bit too much to hope for!!
So, Fairy Hobmother, if you are listening, I would like for you to help @PeoplesKitchen and @healthytowns as they do such good work to help people. I am not sure what they need, but I expect they would love to hear from you.
Thanks Jenni from @NorthcoteBeers
I have limited kitchen space, so although I would adore a Kitchenaid, there is simply no room, but I really would love a blender. Obviously the Thermomix one that cooks as well would be mine in a perfect world... :)
I have everything crossed.
Hi Mimi, well this was a timely blog post I have to say as the tumble dryer decided to give up the ghost last outing - in a household of 4 adults & one child it is necessary! So my *The Fairy Hobmother* wish is for a New Tumble Dryer & being a greedy witch to match our Miele Washing machine would be a bonus!! :o) How funny the Word Verification is "slydri" - bizarre or decide!!
I'm still curious as to why Appliances Online would be so kind...for you I can understand as you do lovely blogs - for me I'm not quite that lucky ;o)
Best as always Carol x aka @GrowingDirect or
This may be pushing my luck a bit, but I would also love a new fridge freezer as I've recently discovered I've got one of those dodgy Beko models that may catch fire at any second! It's also old, isn't cold enough and makes a right racket!
Either that or I'd wish for a steamer or a slow cooker to encourage me to cook more rather than going out for dinner all the time! :-/
a) a Kitchenaid which is something I would never be able to get in my wildest dreams
or if I'm being practical and not selfish
b) a new washing machine because this one is really unlikely to survive the five loads a day until the twins arrive. And then I'm going to be ... stuck.
I was going to tell the Fairy Hobmother what I wanted, but I'm pretty sure that lovely @NorthcoteBeers is right.
Read her comment instead, Mr Hobmother!
bee blessed
(Dont mind what colour either)
Neil D - I like the sound of this extra large jam bucket.
I would love a pasta attachment for my kitchen aide mixer. I could also use a new cookie sheet or two. Mine are old and scratched up. Thanks so much!
I want one of those glass bowls for my kitchenaid too, can you IMAGINE how handsome Intergalactic Unicorn would look with one of those? (NOT making a wish by the way, as mine was already granted and infact, we used my gift for the first time just last weekend).
Also, your food blog is my absolute favorite, always either inspiring or funny and often both, you're amazeballs
@JosieMoo xx